Yoga Nidra: A Practice for Healing & Transformation

Published on: 12/01/17
As Bucks County Rep I am delighted to organise the British Wheel of Yoga IST Day.
Yoga Nidra: A Practice for Healing and Transformation - Julie Friedeberger
10.00am - 4.30pm, Sunday 19 November 2017.
Venue Old Stratford Community Hall, Deanshanger Road, Milton Keynes MK19 6NL.
To all Yoga teachers, Pilates instructors who wish to deepen their experience.
This informative day will help you:
Aims of the Day
To give those who attend:
- A fuller, deeper understanding of Yoga Nidra of the Satyananda tradition, a transformative, healing practice that can bring about change on a profound level.
- A clear understanding of the sankalpa, the resolve that focuses our energies and directs them towards a worthwhile goal. The importance of sankalpa as a tool for transformation will be explored, with emphasis on its relevance for those who are undergoing a serious, life-changing illness.
- A basic understanding of the other central elements of Yoga Nidra: how they work, and their effects.
- An appreciation of the role that Yoga Nidra can play in awakening the inner healing forces as part of a balanced, consistent yoga practice, particularly when one is dealing with illness.
- An authentic, enjoyable, and (perhaps) profound experience of Yoga Nidra, an experience that will inspire the wish to practise regularly.
About the Tutor
Julie Friedeberger has practised yoga since 1970. She trained initially with the BWY, and did seven further years of study and training with Swami Dharmananda, founder and spiritual head of the Dharma Centre for Yoga and Healing. She holds the Bodywork Studio Teaching Certificate (1985), the BWY Yoga Teaching Diploma (1988), the Teaching and Teacher Training Diplomas of the Dharma Centre, and the Yoga Nidra Teaching Certificate of the Satyananda Yoga Centre (Bihar School of Yoga: 2003). She began teaching in 1987, and tutored two 5-year teacher training courses for the Dharma Centre between 1990 and 2000.
Julie's encounter with breast cancer in 1993 left her with a deeper trust in the power of yoga to face our challenges and to heal ourselves. Her two books, A Visible Wound: A Healing Journey through Breast Cancer (published 1996) and The Healing Power of Yoga (published 2003) have been helpful to many people. In 1999 she was asked by Dr Robin Monro to start a Yoga and Cancer programme at the Yoga Therapy Centre, and to contribute a module to the yoga therapists' training course. She has been teaching people who are living with cancer ever since.
In 2006 Julie was invited to develop the BWY teacher training module on Yoga for People Living with Cancer. She has delivered this course 15 times since then, in various areas of England and in Scotland and Ireland. The next courses will be given in London in 2017.
Please bring your mat and props to support you.
CPD points 7.5
Workshop fee: BWY Member £35
Workshop fee: Non BWY Member £45
To book or more information email
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