"Pull up, pull in & breathe"


Published on: 01/04/19

I started teaching Pilates in 2015 as a part time hobby that would keep me sane from my busy, fast paced office job in London. Soon I realised the potential of the Pilates Method in changing people's life through safe, healthy movement and I started getting more and more involved, until I realised that this was what I wanted to do - enough with stakeholders, reports, frustrated clients! I wanted to help people to live strong and be happy, which has become my motto ever since.

I moved to Milton Keynes in 2017 and since the first time I drove by PATS PILATES studio, I knew that was the place I wanted to be in. I was so excited when I was offered the opportunity to teach at PATS, I couldn't believe it - a happy dance might have happened too! I have always been 100% sure that I was going to love it.

Pat's energy and top quality, ginormous knowledge, Emma's professionalism and determination, Leigh's patience dealing with my random travels and unstoppable chatting, all the lovely students I had the opportunity to help...PATS has become my Pilates home in MK and I am very grateful for all the learning and kindness I found there, as it allowed me to grow as an instructor and as soul.

See you on the mat! Stay strong - Stay happy!

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